The spotlight is calling out my name, I feel that’s where I belong.
My heart shares the feeling while my mind fights strong.
The path seems difficult, it’s the road not taken.
Playing it safe has been the thought for so long.
I yearn for a challenge, a passion, and the sweet pain.
I crave for the spotlight yet am afraid to cross the lane.
I fear the repercussions, it’s terrifying to step out of my comfort zone.
The risk is worth it but what if my efforts go in vain.
Each day is a struggle, a battle between the heart and mind.
The confusion that prevails, puts the opponents in a bind.
It’s the fear, the root cause of all the conundrums combined.
I wonder if it’s my instinct sending a message or just my conscience pushing me behind.
I find my solace in the spotlight.
My heart is free when I take the flight.
For a moment everything seems clear
And then the lights go out, bringing the reality in sight.